Why Should People Quit Twitter

Micro blogging site ‘Twitter’ was found in July by 2006, Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams, Biz Stone and Noah Glass. Twitter  becomes a most popular Social Networking site with the have 550 million active users worldwide, 58 million tweets per day. In this year Twitter also listed on the Stock exchange. Twitter is something like ‘ SMS of the Internet ’.
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I know you might like this because Twitter has some incredible features and 140 characters quick message which is most popular in online community. Even though why peoples are disconnected from the Twitter, it remains one of the most visited websites. So why wouldn’t you want to be involved with all the activity on Twitter?
Your answer is here
1) Is Active Enough?
If you tweet occasionally because you have no time or less time with you than it is easy for the people to forgot all about you. And for this reason we are not joining social networking site like Twitter.
2) Obsessive :
Do you think Twitter is time consuming? If yes, you are right. Twitter is extremely time consuming. But being obsessive is different from being Active. If you will answered every tweet in 140 character tweet and reading all tweets of your followers, you aren’t living much of life, are you?
3) Not Reaching Enough People :
Despite Twitter claiming that it has 550 million active users worldwide and 58 million tweets per day out of 36% who have joined twitter say they do not use it and some of them shut their account. Which mean you are not reaching as many people as you think.
4) It Isn’t Helping Business :
If you have business online that is reaching your customer nationally and internationally; Twitter account can be beneficial for your online reputation, it’s not the most ideal social networking site for local business because you may not be reaching your target audience.
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Why Should People Quit Twitter?

Why Should People Quit Twitter?
5) Twitter Account V/S Business Website :
Many popular Social Networking site enable us to build brand authority and reputation in today’s online investing world. If you’re spending a lot of time building your brand on social media by spending out numerous Tweets a day, but you don’t have functioning website, then something is going wrong.
6) You’re Just a ‘Twitter Sitter’ :
If you’re every day tweets on marketing and advertising of your products or services or sell something than people getting tired of your tweets because this is not only reason that you have Twitter account. Your followers are the person who’s behind the business and interested in you. If your tweets are only focus on your business marketing purpose than they won’t be able to connect with you and will lose interest in what you are tweeting.
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7) Temporary Signed Up :
If you are signed up for to follow temporary situation like special events, Olympic, World series etc and subsequently lose the interest because that event is over.
8) Direct messages :
If you follow each other on twitter than some conservation should be private and not posted on Twitter account for the world to see. Peoples are following each other they can’t be on twitter. Because tweets are going by so quickly, it’s very difficult to have a one-on-one conversation with someone else.
9) Confused Yet?
Should you join social networking site? If yes and if you join twitter than it can be very confusing, especially you are new to social media. It’s probably best to move on and devote your time to a social media outlet that you actually understand.
Twitter is an excellent place to share information if one share information properly. Though why you should quit twitter? I think because one of above reason. Right?