5 Step Of Content Marketing

5 Step Of Content Marketing

1. Planning & researching your topic:
–          Use Google keyword planner to find relevant keyword phrases that people are searching for to use in your post.
–          Search Twitter for popular topics related to your keyword and pay attention to the ones getting the most retweets and favorites.
–          Do a quick Google search to see other pages that are ranking for that keyword.
–          Create a list of major points you want to get across in your post.
2. Writing your content:
–          Don’t let paragraph get too long – they should break up every 2-3 lines or roughly every 300 words of text.
–          Try to include an image for every 300 words of text.
–          Use sub headers to segment section and break up your article for easy reading or scanning
–          Create a compelling headline (ideal length: 55 characters)
–          Make use of bullets and lists where applicable
–          Link to other valuable resources in your article (webpages or your other blog posts) where relevant
–          Spell check!
3. Optimizing your content for research:
–          Aim of 1000-1500 words for a blog post – that is the Google ‘Sweet Spot’ for SEO based on research from serpIQ.
–          Place your SEO keyword into your blog title.
–          Include your SEO keyword in at least one H2 header.
–          Place your SEO keyword at the very beginning of your title and H2 header for optimal results.
4. Make it shareable:
–          Create a custom graphic that shows the title of your blog in an attractive way to increase shares on Pinterest and other networks.
–          Use click to tweet to include tweetable quotes and start throughout your blog
–          Create or update an infographic relevant to your chosen topic and include it in your post
–          Include slideshare presentations or a video
5. Promote your content:
–          Send an update to your email list with a link to your blog post.
–          Share your blog post on Facebook and make sure your image is optimized to look good in Facebook link preview for optimal click-through rates
–          Share on Twitter and include your custom title graphic
–          Share on Pinterest using the custom title graphic
–          Pin to relevant shared Pinterest boards to increase exposure
–          Share your blog post as a status update on LinkedIn on your personal profile and your LinkedIn company page
–          Share in relevant LinkedIn groups by creating a discussion around your topic and including the link as a reference
–          Share your post to Google+ to your personal profile and company profile
–          Find niche Facebook groups and Google+ communities to share your post by creating a discussion about it
–          Consider using Facebook ads or LinkedIn sponsored updates to run targeted ads to promote your content
–          Use a social sharing plugin like Digg or Flare that allows for easy social sharing directly from your blog.
–          Consider more niche places to post such as reddit but be aware of the etiquette of each site’s community before posting.