The Next Big Brand: Creating Meaningful Stardom

The Next Big Brand: Creating Meaningful Stardom

What happens when you get entrepreneurs looking ahead 10 years? You start thinking about the change that a business can invoke. And that’s powerful.
That’s just what Yoxi did this Social Media Week New York. Yoxi was founded by Sharon Chang, former Chief Creative Officer for 19 Entertainment (the company behind hits like American Idol). Her new vision is for making social innovation rockstars though creating meaningful stardom, putting the “future self” of social innovators on stage so they can feel the true success and potential of their idea (that will also help the world).
In “The Next Big Brand,” 10 social good startups competed to see whose venture could have the greatest positive impact ten years in the future. The winner received a $10k prize and all the competitors become part of Yoxi’s family of Social Innovation Rockstars. In the lead up to the event, Yoxi and a team of strategists, writers, and creative directors worked with each of the ventures to develop their pitches. It was inspiring to see the different areas that each brand tackled. After hearing all the pitches, and feedback from the judges, the audience voted to to select a winner. In the end Addicaid came out on top. Addicaid recently launched its meeting finder for individuals in recovery, and is building a business around providing solutions to the real problem of addiction.
If you weren’t able to make it to the evening, you’re in luck. Yoxi has pulled together this great video showcasing the highlights, who pitched, and who won.

Watch the Vidoe here: The Next Big Brand at Social Media Week