Live @ SMX West: Measuring The Mobile Lead

Live @ SMX West: Measuring The Mobile Lead

According to research from Morgan Stanley, 2014 will be the year that mobile usage surpasses desktop usage of the internet. Another recent study from InMobi found that outside the US and UK, mobile media time spent now exceeds TV.
So clearly, obviously, mobile is the place to be for advertisers and marketers.
Or is it? Yet another study from mobile ad network xAd found that in the retail category, 77 percent of smartphone-influenced purchases happened offline. Another 13 percent of transactions happened later on a PC. Only 7 percent took place on a smartphone.
Just because people are accessing the internet with mobile devices doesn’t necessarily mean that you should be making huge budget shifts – that is, unless you have the hard data to justify the value of reaching audiences and potential customers through their smartphones or tablets. Both analytics and attribution are key variables you need to have a firm grasp of to fully understand the value of mobile in your campaigns.
In Measuring The Mobile Lead at SMX West, our panelists will discuss how to measure mobile leads to get an accurate picture of mobile’s impact on the bottom line – from tracking calls and clicks to cross-channel attribution methods. Your key takeaways will be how to accurately assess the contribution mobile makes to your overall marketing and advertising campaigns.
Measuring The Mobile Lead is one of more than 60 sessions at SMX West, March 11-13 in San Jose, the three-day conference devoted to all aspects of search, online and social media marketing.