Matt Cutts: Google Mobile Queries May Surpass PC Search This Year

Matt Cutts: Google Mobile Queries May Surpass PC Search 

This Year

Speaking at SMX West last week Google’s Matt Cutts said that he “wouldn’t be surprised” if mobile search exceeded desktop queries this year. A similar comment was made by a Google speaker informally during a roundtable discussion at the International Franchising Association conference in New Orleans earlier this year.
We asked Google for an official statement and the company declined to provide one. Google doesn’t want to oppose mobile and PC search. Rather it wants to emphasize cross-platform marketing and experiences.
The comments above refer to global query volumes not in the US or North America where PC-based search still far outstrips mobile queries. However in many developing countries, such as India, mobile internet traffic has eclipsed the desktop.
Globally mobile traffic is about 30 percent of all internet activity. That’s also the case in North America.
There are roughly 2 billion PCs in the world and more than 5 billion mobile devices. Thus it is inevitable that both mobile internet traffic and mobile search will ultimately surpass the PC globally.
Still when it happens it will be sobering and perhaps even a shock to some who still see mobile as a kind of secondary channel.

10 Pillars to Run Top Notch AdWords Campaigns

10 Pillars to Run Top Notch AdWords Campaigns

It is clear AdWords has become a must for businesses who want to drive relevant traffic to their websites. The increase in AdWords’ demand has consequently increased the price for clicks, and therefore advertisers need to know how to boost their results and not waste their budget.

Here are some of the most important pillars to keep into consideration while working on an AdWords Account:

Do Not Bid On Your Brand

People searching for your brand are people who are probably coming back to purchase after they have already compared your website to other brands. If other brands are bidding on your name, users are likely to ignore them since they already know what they want.
It still makes sense to bid on your own keywords if you have marketing budget left and would like to secure the best placement for your brand name. But if you are running on a limited budget, avoid it.

Strategize The Use Of Keywords Match Types

Google gives you the option to use broad match, broad match modifier, phrase, and exact match keywords. Use them to step up your game and make sure to test complex account structures. Also, do not forget to use broad, phrase, and exact match negative keywords to eliminate irrelevant keywords variations.
Using a “broad match” keyword implies that Google will let your ads run for relevant variations of your keywords, including synonyms and misspellings. Google might show your advertising messages for many irrelevant terms if you do not use a compelling list of negative keywords.
The use of “broad match modifier” keywords allows you to be targeted but at the same time broad enough to find relevant long tail keywords for your campaigns. It basically allows you to show up for any search query that includes all of the terms of your keyword that triggered the ad, independently from their order in the search query.
A “phrase match” keyword tells your account to trigger your ads only if a searcher looks for a search term that equals to your keyword or that has the keywords in the same order as you used them. This match type is really useful for long tail variations of your most successful keywords.
Finally, “exact match” keywords are the ones you use when you want to show your ads exactly for the terms as you have inserted them in the AdGroups. This definitively is the most targeted option you can use.
I strongly recommend using a combination of keyword match types in order to optimize the account for a greater ROI. For example, use broad match modifier and phrase match keywords to find new long tail keywords and focus on exact match in order to generate profitable conversions with terms that already converted once in the past.

Group Keywords In Tight, Relevant AdGroups

The best way to reduce costs on AdWords is to work on increasing the CTR and the quality score. The best way to do that is to make sure whenever a user looks for a term he finds an advertising message that is extremely relevant to his search.
It is very common to see accounts that do not group keywords in a proper way. This mistake can cost a lot of money and might cause the account to retrieve a lot of irrelevant terms. Also, the CTR and the quality score will suffer.
While grouping keywords think about how keywords can relate among them. Can you group them by service? Can you maybe group them by call to action? Whatever method you use make sure to avoid duplicates and use custom advertising texts for each AdGroup.

Negative Keywords Are Fundamental To Succeed

You cannot have a good account without ensuring you don’t waste your budget on irrelevant keywords. Negative terms help to tell Google when not to show your ad.
You can add negative keywords at the campaign and AdGroup level. Negative keywords at the campaign level basically apply to all AdGroups and should include terms that you do not want to appear for under any circumstance, such as the word FREE if your service is always pay. AdGroup focused negative keywords refer to terms that should not trigger an ad only for keywords inserted in a given AdGroup. There might be several reasons for this, but the most relevant definitively is to avoid competition among similar ad groups.
There are several ways to find negative keywords. The best way is to constantly monitor the search query report and to look at Google Analytics to find out what you are actually showing up for and use this information to tune the account.

Split Test Advertising Messages For Better Results

Ad copy split testing is fundamental if you want to generate great results long-term. I usually suggest testing one element at a time among headlines, description lines, and display URL. This makes it easier to identify winning variations in all parts of your ads.
Your account should always test at least two ads at the time. You can have many ads testing at once as long as you have enough  data to support it. Your test results should focus on CTR and conversion rates. Do not make the mistake of only focusing on profits! Be sure to look at the long-term benefits of a good CTR.

Being Number One Is Not Always Profitable: Test Ad Positions

Advertising positions can have a big effect on your overall ROI. Generally, users clicking on an advertising message  on top of the page are quick decision makers, while people clicking on ads at the bottom of the page are more likely to be sensitive to price and compare more options before converting.
This might be not true for all industries. Also, at times the first position can be very expensive and therefore it is necessary to find out how you perform at different placements for different keywords.
At the end of the day, it is all about generating a positive ROI and you should not be afraid of testing – this is the best way to improve your account.

Do Not Promise Miracles, But Focus on Realistic Results

Google AdWords is an advertising tool based on data. Data costs money, and therefore the smaller your budget is, the longer it will take to optimize the campaign for great results. The best way to get started is to have a set up that minimizes the budget waste on irrelevant keywords.
You should make a judgement call and decide what topics (AdGroups) to pursue with your budget. I suggest starting on focused keywords and go broader with the successful AdGroups. This will ensure you grow your budget along with results.

Send Users to The Best Landing Pages For The Ad They Clicked On

Many advertisers prefer to send people to the home page of a website rather than taking the time to create a custom landing page. This is a huge mistake. You need to think of AdWords as something that brings the right people to the doorstep. However, if the inside of your store is not appealing or does not make it easy to find a product, people won’t buy.
You need to make sure that each landing page sends users to the page that is most likely to convert. Do you want to create landing pages yourself? There are many tools online that allow you to do that! Take advantage of them!

Know the Lifetime Value (LTV) of Consumers

The Customer Lifetime Value (LTV) should  be at the base of every business decision. Do not look at the immediate earnings from a client to determine your ideal cost per acquisition. Analyze how much you are likely to earn from a client in total and determine how much you are willing to pay to get this earning in your business.
Many companies fail at calculating the LTV and this means they estimate their marketing budget incorrectly. It is difficult to calculate the LTV if you are new in the business. However, you can still estimate it by making some conservative projections and tuning them up along the way.

Outsmart Competitors

Study what your competition is doing and take advantage of their mistakes. This is a very simple principle and also an extremely effective one.
You do not need expensive tools to analyze your competition. Just create a list of your top keywords and look up in the preview tool to find out what ads your competitors are using. Also, look at your auctions insights to find out websites that are sharing the Google Search Page with you. Look at their websites and find out how you can improve your pages!

In Conclusion:

Adwords is a fundamental tool for many businesses but costs are rising every day. As a smart advertiser, you should leverage everything that could give you a competitive advantage. This list includes only the most important pillars you should be looking at, but there are plenty of other factors to consider. What other tricks of the trade do you use to maximize your Adwords budget?

The Primary Thing PPC Consultants Should Be Doing To Retain Clients

The Primary Thing PPC Consultants Should Be Doing To Retain Clients

As the head of a 78-member strong paid search agency, I tend to think a lot about how to retain clients. In fact, every single consultant must and should be thinking about the magical number that is your churn rate. It is much cheaper to keep your existing clients than to chase new clients. Keeping your existing clients should be your number one responsibility, and it is for us in White Shark Media.
SEJ The Number One Thing PPC Consultants Should Be Doing To Retain Clients The Primary Thing PPC Consultants Should Be Doing To Retain Clients
As a PPC consultant, it can be difficult to retain clients. Especially if you work with smaller clients where the need for ongoing optimizations is smaller. Keeping your clients for more than 6-8 months can be tough nut if you don’t have a set strategy in place.
Luckily, the solution is rather simple.

Learn to Provide Value Every Single Month

When a client stops using your services it’s because they don’t see any further value with the fee you’re charging them each month. You worked relentlessly the first couple of months bringing their account to where it is now, so you might think that it’s well deserved to lay back for a bit. Nothing could be further from the truth.
The good-will from the initial months of good results will only take you so far. And that’s not very far.
Adding value is an old trick that not only pertains to consultancy, but also stretches into offers, discounts, selling, communication, and many other areas. For PPC consultants, value can be perceived in many ways and is therefore a rather vague term.

Think Of The Report You Have To Send

My best tip to ensure you add value every month is to think about the monthly report that I hope you’re sending your clients.
Whenever you optimize a client’s account you should always consider the question:
Is this enough for my client to be happy paying my fee this month? Will this report present enough value?
By asking yourself this simple question, you will look more closely at your process and avoid the checklist mentality. Many PPC consultants just check off tasks from a checklist:
  • Paused under-performing ads – CHECK
  • Added new negative keywords – CHECK
  • Changed bidding – CHECK
However, this strategy tends to get stale and your client will begin to doubt whether you’re truly worth the fee every month.
Therefore, remember  to provide one or two things that will show value when you send your monthly report.

Think Of The Money You’re Being Paid

Another good strategy is to look at the monetary value you’re bringing in. If you’re solely maintaining an AdWords account month-after-month with no progress to show, it will be hard to defend your fee.
If you know exactly how much revenue (either through e-commerce tracking or call tracking) you’re creating every month, you will be able to better make a case for why your fee is an investment instead of an expense.

7 Tips For Providing More Value to PPC clients

1. Do More Than What Is Expected

I always like to deliver more than what my clients expect. If they’re paying me to set up a regular search campaign, I regularly either pitch in with some of the other campaigns, or at the very least provide extra feedback on what they are doing.
If you are getting stuck in the same old optimizations every month, consider starting brand new initiatives. Set up a remarketing campaign, do research for good websites that could go into a display placement campaign or expand on your client’s PLA efforts.
Just make sure that you have your client’s consent if you start touching areas that are outside of your contract.

2. Go Deeper Than The Basics

SEJ Number one thing PPC Consultants should be doing to retain clients Go Deeper than the basics The Primary Thing PPC Consultants Should Be Doing To Retain Clients
I often see consultants get stuck in the monthly optimizations without any direction on where to go next. Once a search campaign is running well, it’s time to look at some of the deeper optimization techniques.
Anything from Ad Scheduling to Bid Adjustments, Mobile Ads, More Extensive Sitelink Descriptions, etc. can be helpful at this stage.

3. Try New Keywords or Locations in Limited Test Environments

You should consistently try out new keywords. Eventually, it gets hard to find more keywords to test, but make an effort to look for them every month. There might be seasonal keywords coming up or other events you can take advantage of.

4. Provide a Landing Page Assessment With Tips to Improve Conversions

Your end goal is to improve conversions for your client. For example, I often provide clients with landing page assessments. I’m not a conversion rate expert, but since I work in online marketing I tend to know what works and what doesn’t. Even basic improvements to client websites can produce greater returns – a win-win!
Once you start to see better conversion rates, you will have a completely new task ahead of you in your PPC campaigns as well. Keywords that formerly didn’t convert profitably can now be eligible for new experiments, or current keywords can receive higher bids.
This goes for other areas as well. Remember that even though you’re not an expert, you most likely know the basics about:
  • SEO
  • Social Media
  • Landing Page Optimization
  • Retargeting
  • Web Analytics
Offering “accidental” advice on these topics is great for your retention. If you accidentally stop by your client’s Google+ page and notice they haven’t updated their cover photo format to the new format (happens to all of us I’m sure), shoot them a quick email letting them know and include a link to the new size and Best Practices.
Small efforts like this can go a long way in showing that you truly care about growing their business.

5. Bid Higher, Get More Budget, & Provide a Bigger Return

SEJ Number one thing PPC Consultants should be doing to retain clients Bid higher get more budget The Primary Thing PPC Consultants Should Be Doing To Retain Clients
This is my biggest piece of advice. I often see PPC consultant get complacent with their campaigns. For me, I’m not satisfied until my client is in the top 1-3 spots for every profitable keyword. To be fair, attaining this is not always possible with the initial budget you’ve been granted. One of your main tasks, therefore, is to continue showing a high ROI and turn this into a bigger budget.
My end goal is always to attain such a high budget that I’m essentially without limits and can truly start maximizing the ROI.
Another bonus of getting a bigger budget is that your fee seems smaller. If you’re paid $1,000 to manage a $3,000 campaign, you’re essentially being paid 33%. However, if you are all of a sudden paid $1,000 for managing a $10,000 campaign, you’re only paid 10%. This means the downside for letting you go far outweighs the small percentage you get paid. Also, remember that with the bigger budget you’re also providing a higher ROI, which means your client depends upon you more.

6. Always Let Your Client Know What Is Coming Next

I must admit – sometimes I fail at this. I have this amazing outline in my head, or scribbled in Evernote, detailing how I will grow my client’s campaigns. However, I don’t share it because it is just that – scribbles – and I don’t want to show something that doesn’t look professional. Before I know it, I’m receiving notice that they are pulling out of the contract and are trying in-house instead.
Every time this happens, I beat myself in the head for not following my own advice. I’m often able to retain the client by presenting the long-term plan. Upon seeing the plan, the client is often surprised about how much more can be done with their campaigns.
A failure to communicate your plan of action and not sharing your thoughts with your client negatively affects your client’s perception of the value you provide.
This helps when your competitors are calling your client preaching the latest features, or asking them why you’re not doing “x”. It is a lot better if your client already knows you’re not running remarketing yet because you just installed the tag and don’t have enough visitors, but you will be launching in 45 days.
To sum it up – Be Proactive

7. Present Your Work Favorably

You can do all the amazing work in the world, but if you don’t know how to present it favorably to your client, all your efforts will be for naught. By presenting favorably, I don’t necessarily mean you need an extensive report with fancy graphics (although graphics help a lot).
At the very least, you need to ensure your client understands the work you’re doing and how it is helping him grow his business. Mastering writing and sales techniques go a long way when it comes to getting your point across effectively.

Chase The Value You Want To Present

I like to think of each new month as a new hourglass that needs to be filled. With every action, report, and optimization I report to my clients I fill up my hourglass with positivity towards me and my company. Each month I need the hourglass to be at a certain level in order to allow me to achieve my goal:
For my client and I to be equally happy about paying my invoice at the end of the month.
Therefore, I start every month from scratch knowing I need to fill up that hourglass. One of the great icons of business Warren Buffet once said: It takes 15 years to build a good reputation, but only 15 seconds to tear it apart” (paraphrased). I believe the same is true when it comes to consultants. You earn trust every month you’re both happy when the invoice is paid, but you still need to start every month from scratch.

What Do You Want from Your PPC Consultant? 

I would like to hear feedback from in-house consultants. Above are my experiences from five years in the industry, but they don’t paint the full picture.
I would also love to hear what you believe PPC consultants do wrong or well. I’m confident many of you have experiences with PPC consultants you can’t wait to share!  🙂

Enterprise PPC Campaign Management Platforms 2014: A Buyer’s Guide

Enterprise PPC Campaign Management Platforms 

2014: A Buyer’s Guide

connsulting Editor: David Rodnitzky, 3Q Digital 
Ginny Marvin, Contributing Editor, Search Engine Land
Research/Writer: Karen Burka, Senior Research Consultant
Editor: Claire Schoen, VP, Marketing Services, Digital Marketing Depot

Completely updated since the May 2013 publication, in this report you will learn about the latest trends, opportunities and challenges facing the PPC campaign management platforms plus:

·         Profiles of the 9 leading vendors in enterprise PPC campaign management platforms?
·         What capabilities do enterprise PPC campaign management platforms provide?
·         Does my company need a PPC campaign management platform?
·         How much does a PPC campaign management platform cost?

In this completely updated report we researched primary and secondary sources, including interviews with industry leaders:

·         top-level executives at leading campaign management software vendors
·         venture capitalists actively involved in the industry
·         Search marketers currently using campaign management tools
·         leading search marketing experts and practitioners

Who should read this report:
·         Agencies, advertisers, and search marketers doing their due diligence in selecting a vendor to manage their search marketing and Facebook advertising campaigns
·         Analysts and vendors looking for current intelligence about this dynamic marketplace

·         Anyone who needs to be up to speed on the key players and major trends in the market for search marketing campaign management platforms

Table of Contents:
Section I: PPC Market Overview
Section II: PPC Campaign Management Market Trends
Section II: Enterprise PPC Campaign Management Platform Capabilities.
Section III: Choosing a PPC Campaign Management Vendors
Section IV: Bid Management and Optimization
Section V: Choosing an Enterprise PPC Campaign Management Platform
Section VI: Leading Vendor Profiles
  1. Acquisio
  2. Adobe Media Optimizer
  3. DoubleClick Search
  4. ESV Digital
  5. IgnitionOne
  6. InsideVault
  7. Kenshoo
  8. Marin Software
  9. SearchForce

Winning in a Highly Competitive (High CPC) Paid Search Environment

Winning in a Highly Competitive (High CPC) Paid Search Environment

If you’ve worked in paid search and have had experience working with many different industries, it’s amazing to see how much average cost per clicks can vary. Generally, if the end product or service is very inexpensive or of low value (i.e. office supplies), the average cost per click will also be low. Conversely, if the end product or service is relatively expensive or of very high value (i.e. a college education), then we expect a very high CPC because advertisers can justify the expense.
If you work for an agency, you’ve most likely experienced managing paid search campaign with high CPC’s. Wordstream put together a great infographic on “The 20 Most Expensive Keywords in Google AdWords” to help illustrate the highest CPC’s keyword categories. After looking at this list, I can tell you for a fact the CPC’s are much higher now than when this was released.
I’ve had experience working with various clients (including mortgage, refinancing, education, and law) with ridiculously high CPC’s and I’ve been able to demonstrate a positive ROI by following these tactics:

Have Proper Tracking in Place

Seems like a no-brainer right? Well, you’d be surprised to know that many marketers still do not track phone calls generated from PPC campaigns on their landing pages or directly from their website using call tracking. Also, with extremely high CPC’s, you better fork over the extra expense for keyword-level call tracking to properly optimize campaigns.
Call Tracking 637x260 Winning in a Highly Competitive (High CPC) Paid Search Environment

Be Careful with Broad Match Keywords

I would almost say exclude broad match keywords completely from the get-go, but sometimes you find great keywords you didn’t think about. In addition, many times broad match keywords are a lot cheaper and the same keywords in phrase or exact match. Make sure you isolate these broad match keywords into their own ad groups to closely monitor them.
broad match keywords Winning in a Highly Competitive (High CPC) Paid Search Environment

Robust Negative Keyword List

This is especially important if you decide to start out with some broad match keywords. After all, one irrelevant click could cost you $100+. In order to find negative keywords before launching type the root keyword in Google Instant and see if it suggests any long-tail queries that would deem the searcher is early on in the research process. In addition, do your due diligence when performing keyword research using Google’s Keyword Tool—looking not only for keywords you want in your campaign but keywords that you do not want your ads to show up for.
Search Examples 637x120 Winning in a Highly Competitive (High CPC) Paid Search Environment

Ride the Branded Train

Branded keywords in conjunction with your focus keywords could be life-savers for you. For example, “Ohio State MBA Degree” vs. “MBA Degree”. For the first search the user clearly is further along in the decision-making process. Now you might say, “well Ohio State will show up organically #1”. Well, I don’t want to get in the bidding on branded keywords debate, but it’s very likely a competitor will show up in the sponsored listings above your organic listing; in addition, the PPC conversion funnel is much better control with a custom landing page and therefore the user is more likely to convert.
MBA search results Winning in a Highly Competitive (High CPC) Paid Search Environment

Exclude Close Match/Variations

Under your campaign settings “Keyword Matching”, your phrase and exact match keywords are automatically opted to ‘include plurals, misspellings, and other close variants’—therefore not technically phrase and exact match keywords. I recommend excluding these to make sure you have as much control over these keywords as possible.

Increase Bid Modifier for Mobile

Now this tactic might depend on a few things—is your web site optimized for mobile? Do you or your clients’ value phone calls? The main value here is of course click-to-call conversions where mobile users click the phone symbol in the mobile PPC ad and are directed to your sales team or call center immediately. You are effectively able to generate a lead without the user having to fill out a form. If this is attractive, consider bidding higher for mobile devices to ensure top placement (only two PPC ads appear above organic listings on mobile SERPS).
mesothelioma lawyers mobile results Winning in a Highly Competitive (High CPC) Paid Search Environment

Bring Back Customers through Retargeting

The beautiful thing about site retargeting is that you can bring people who you originally paid $70/click to get to your site back for about $1-$2/click via Google’s Display Network. In addition, you can leverage organic and direct traffic that you never had to pay for but didn’t convert originally. Finally, don’t forget you can use other retargeting platforms that typically have larger reach than Google’s Display Network, such as AdRoll,, Chango, and others. In addition, these channels let you retarget on Facebook, which is another way to bring back users that have been to your site, but did not convert. Finally, you can also try search retargeting that will capture the users search queries across search engines (Google, Bing, and Yahoo), and show display ads to these users as they browse various web sites within the display network. Similar to site retargeting, search retargeting offers very low CPC’s.
Demographics on Display 637x194 Winning in a Highly Competitive (High CPC) Paid Search Environment

Bid Higher for Keywords that Show Intent

This is pretty obvious, but you’ll want to bid higher for keywords which you can tell the user’s intent is past the research phase and ready to make a decision. This involves using broad match modifiers that have +buy, +purchase, +apply, +lawyer, etc. For example, for the education example above for Ohio State, they’d want to bid much higher on “apply for MBA online” vs. “MBA online”.

Expand into Bing and other Paid Advertising Channels

In addition to diversifying your paid search investment with retargeting, you should also consider Bing and other smaller advertising platforms which typically have a much lower CPC. We’ve seen success with using, Yahoo Stream Ads, LinkedIn Ads (depending on audience size), Facebook Ads, and Although click to conversion rates are much lower, the average CPC’s allow for much lower conversion rate.  637x286 Winning in a Highly Competitive (High CPC) Paid Search Environment

Use PPC Custom Landing Pages

I decided to save perhaps one of the most important tactics for last. If you’re spending $50+ per click, you have got to be out of your mind to send the user to pages within your web site. There are simply too many ‘escape hatches’ and ‘points of curiosity’ where a user could get lost within your web site. You want to take the time and invest in custom-built landing pages and micro-sites for the ad groups and keywords you are targeting. When you’re advertising in a highly competitive environment, you want them to convert and it’s important your landing pages are designed for conversion and frequently tested!
In conclusion, it’s possible to be successful when dealing with extremely high CPC’s. It just takes a lot of more upfront time, effort, and planning. You must also be honest with your manager or clients and explain to them why the CPC’s are so high and how you’re going to try to be successful in the space.
Good Luck!

Achieve more efficient you PPC Campaigns of 2013

Image Thank to Dynamic Source:- Dynamic Source
PPC is such good business for Google, which still generates 96% of its revenue through advertising – because marketers know when they invest in PPC properly. They can get pretty close to generated placement in the SERPs and help you generate leads
Benefits of PPC Campaigns
·         See Relevant Instant Traffic
·         64.6% of Clicks for high branded keywords go to paid ads
·         Easy to Target specific audience
·         45.5% of people couldn’t Paid ads on the search result page
·         Paid ads for high keywords takes up 85.2%
·         Pay only for performance
·         Easy to measure result
·         Total Control over Campaign
5 Metrics Track Your PPC Campaigns

·         Improve Campaign ROI
Before you chance a dime on google AdWords, Bing PPC, or any other means of gaining more business, consider the potential and probable ROI of your actions. You won’t know the actual results until after you’ve taken the plunge, but you can and you should perform a pre-launch analysis of your situation to give yourself the best shot for success.

·         Get a high CTR
Click-through rate was the #1 most common answer. CTR is important for several reasons, among them:
o    It’s one of the most important factors in determining your quality scores.
o    It tell you whether or not your ads relevant to searchers.
·         Reduce CPC
If you have to pay more to gain a new customer than that customer is actually worth to your business, then your campaign is failing; you haven’t attained a return on investment.

·         Get Better quality score
It’s important to maintain good quality scores because google uses then to determine your ads ranking as well as how much you PPC.

·         Wasted Spend

Wasted spend is a measure of how much money you’re essentially pouring down the toilet by paying for clicks that don’t convert. In others words, it’s an ROI killer. The best way to reduce your wasted spend is through smart use of negative keywords. Bidding on non-converting keywords is a waste of your marketing budget.