Digital Marketer Planning for 2014

According to the surveyed over 500 marketers about their digital goals and challenges, as what is working, what’s not and what they are planning for 2014 is here in digital marketer planning for 2014. The result say that 41% of B2B marketers will be generated top objectives in 2014, while 40% of B2C  marketers say that driving sales is their top objective.  Also B2B marketers will generate 27% in drive sales and 17% improve awareness, while in B2C marketers 18% generates leads and 27% in improving awareness in the global market. This digital marketing gets high, but only 25% digital marketers are planning to invest their budget online and 75% planning to invest through offline.

In 2012, there are few people know about digital marketing, as in 2013 50% of people knows about outsource search marketing and on the other side 63% plan to spend on contents.
As well as they are planning to target 75% mobile and their users.
The biggest top challenges in 2014, in B2B 21%, generating enough leads, 19%, producing enough quality content as well as 18% converting leads to customers. As in B2C, there are 25%, generating, measuring  ROI, 22% converting leads to customers and 14% integrating content across the channel.
Today, some marketers are still struggling to measure return on investment,  in different online marketers like SEO, SEM, Display, Social and email with their percentages are 17%, 29%, 16%, 12% and 36% according to market ratio.
The best thing is this, there are 26% people in the world who have no idea about which channel deliver the best leads, and only 33% people really don’t know about which channel generates the most revenue.
Last but not least, for online marketers there are some drop words from their vocab, are “Best-in-class,  Thought Leadership, Viral, KPI, ROI, Synergy and many more.