You Can Now Filter Bots & Spiders in Google Analytics

You Can Now Filter Bots & Spiders in Google Analytics

While there have been complicated workarounds for discounting bots in Google Analytics, Google has never offered a way for users to automatically filter various bots.  However, with more bots executing javascript, which executes the Google Analytics script on the page, it is definitely causing some users’ data to become skewed, particularly if they get hit hard by a bot gone berserk.
Fortunately for advertisers, Google is finally giving us the option.  Google Analytics has announced a new way to filter bot traffic automatically with a new setting in the management user interface.
The new option will automatically remove the “known bots” from reporting in Google Analytics.  This is still turned off by default, so users will need to turn the option on in order to utilize it.  However, there are reports that it doesn’t work retroactively.
It can be applied on a site by site basis, so you can enable filtering of bots on some sites, while leaving bots included in reporting on other sites.
When viewing the site you wish to filter bots on, click the “Admin” link at the top of the page and in the View column, select “View Settings”.

The option is now available for all Google Analytics users.

How to panda – proof your website?

How to panda – proof your website?

What Is Google Panda?
Google panda is an algorythmic filter that lets Google’s search results find high quality websites. Google uses this update to give users better search results based on content and punishes web sites that use unfair ways to rank their web site.
Content is king?
Use quality, non-repetitive content that your users may actually be looking for. The whole point of Google panda is to find quality sites, so if your website contains quality, your website won’t be hindered.
Try: – Building brand-name anchor text
–          Use content based linking
–          Use on-site linkbait to draw entra links
Avoid repetition?
One of the main problem with most websites that get punished by Google panda is that they are filled with lots of excessive advertising and they are too cluttered with the same keywords.
Try: – Adding column to the tables for relevant factors.
–          Determining if your page is over-optimized
–          Diversify and use synonyms, even if they are exact
User experience:
At the end of the day, you are trying to get users/consumers on to your website and you want them to stay on your website. Creating a good user experience, encourage revisits and shares!
Try: – Use Images, video and links that appeal to users
–          Make your content language more accessible
–          Integrate social media and a blog into your websites
Been mauled by Google Panda?
Here are some techniques that might work for you
  1. Link Baiting:
Link baiting is any content or feature designed specially to encourage others to link to your website. For example, a company creates a series of humorous videos for the sake of getting the users to spark organic interest from the viewers of the videos.
  1. Sponsoring:
Sponsoring organizations like charities, conferences and running contests are a great way to link build and diversify your link portfolios. Hosting an event will allow you to use press release and media outlets to create quality backlinks to your websites.
  1. Be a resource:
Be a resource for those in your category or community. Offer resources, tips and tools that people may be looking for. This is a great way to create backlinks, especially because of sharing with social media outlets such as Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest.

Google’s Relationship With Affiliates

Google’s Relationship With Affiliates

–          Affiliate marketers were some of Google’s earliest advertisers. By matching commercial offers with keywords and attracting merchants to search marketing, affiliates helped build AdWords as the largest online advertising portal in the world.
–          Google utilize the affiliate marketing model via comparison ads in the finance vertical. Google has also suggested they might move to a price-per-booking model with hotels.
–          Google invested in viglink, an affiliate program that pays sites owners for generating targeted traffic to merchant sites.
–          Google invested in Whaleshark media, the self-proclaimed “world’s leading marketplace for coupons and deals”.
–          Google bought out, a UK financial comparison site.
–          For large merchants like Amazon, Google runs product search affiliate ads.
–          Google is testing the insertion of pre-filled lead generation forms directly into the search results.
–          Google’s Adsense program is the largest affiliate network, paying publishers to syndicate Adsence ads across the web. In addition, Google runs another Affiliate network named “Google Affiliate Network”.
–          The Google remove rater document that was leaked earlier this year highlights the following website classification as being legitimate for affiliate sites:
  1. Price comparison
  2. Coupons
  3. Original in-depth editorial reviews
–          In Q4 of 2009 Google banned 30,000+ Affiliate Adwords accounts without any warning or justification.
–          Ex post factor: Some affiliates are not able to restore their Adwords account without improving “landing page quality” on 3rd party sites the affiliates never controlled, for ads they ran year ago, before Google’s policies changed.
These affiliate advertiser have, in effect, a lifetime ban because they don’t have control over the web properties.
–          Linking through to certain products on certain affiliate networks can lead to an Adworks account being automatically banned.
Google does not disclose which networks are problematic, thus leaving affiliates guessing as to which products they can and cannot promote.
–          Affilaite = Unnecessary
Affiliate Summit in 2010, Google’s Frederick valleys stated that affiliates were largely “just an unnecessary step in the sales funnel”. He went on to say that Google prefers affiliates link directly to merchant websites.
–          Google has taken several efforts to remove affiliate marketers from the organic search results:
  1. Google strengthened duplicate content filters to eliminate feed-driven affiliate sites.
  2. Google banned many affiliates running of sites, calling them “doorway pages”
  3. In some cases, Google later inserted their own vertical search listings in these same search results, thus removing affiliates from the search results so google could generate more revenue.
–          Google’s remove rater documents explicitly instruct rater into designating affiliate sites in the travel niche as spam, even if they’d otherwise get a high rating for usefulness and quality.
–          Google’s reconsideration request form states, “In general, sites that directly profit from traffic (e.g. search engine optimization, Affiliate programs, etc.) may need to provide more evidence of good faith before a site will be reconsidered.”
–          Eric Schmidt frequently highlights the power of the web’s ability to allow you to merge without merging.
However, when an author linked to his own book’s page on Amazon via an affiliate link, his Adwords account was disabled. Google also sells ebooks and offers their own affiliate program!

How To Make Money Blogging – 5 Step Blog Profit Plan

How To Make Money Blogging – 5 Step Blog Profit Plan

Blogging is one of the easiest ways to make money online. Unfortunately, I see to many people focused on SEO and ranks and not enough on what pays the bills – sharing!
Focus on SEO – $0
Ranking are great, don’t get me wrong. But too much focus on SEO and you lose sight of what your blogs all about- sharing great info!
Focus on Sharing – $Unlimited
Bloggers who share opinions, insights, and resources are the ones who make bank. Get the basic SEO up and then concentrate on sharing.
Step 1: Pick a profitable niche
A profitable niche has four qualities. It has people who are willing to spend money on themselves or their loves ones. It has consumers that want to better their lives for some reason. It has info products for sale books or digital courses. It has tangible item or tools they can buy.
Step 2: Find out what they need
Profitable bloggers go out and research what their niche needs. They never assume. They read comments on amazon reviews. They peek in on forum and other blogs. They read trade magazines to see what’s at the forefront of the niche. And when they start building a community, they listen to those who contact them. (That’s why this infographic was created, by the way).
Step 3: Sell it to them
One of the most profitable ways you can make money on your blog is to be an info product creator. If someone asks how to keep their golf ball from starting off to the left and then veering right, you put out a guide on how to stop slicing. Research it, outline, share the information for fee. Authors of books (digital or physical) are “experts” in the eyes of most people.
Step 4: Tell them where to buy it
There are many other info products that you can promote as an affiliate, buy them. Implement them on your blog. That builds trust and loyalty. Also promote tangible item on or other sites where you can earn commission when they buy through your link. Always be protective over your people – never lie.
Step 5: Spread the word and get paid
Tweet your blog posts, put them on Google+, put them Pinterest, share them on Facebook and have a plugin that allows others to do the same. When you start sharing and people start trusting you, you’ll get conversions – and payment through pay pal instantly, Clickbank every 2 weeks and Amazon monthly.

5 Step Of Content Marketing

5 Step Of Content Marketing

1. Planning & researching your topic:
–          Use Google keyword planner to find relevant keyword phrases that people are searching for to use in your post.
–          Search Twitter for popular topics related to your keyword and pay attention to the ones getting the most retweets and favorites.
–          Do a quick Google search to see other pages that are ranking for that keyword.
–          Create a list of major points you want to get across in your post.
2. Writing your content:
–          Don’t let paragraph get too long – they should break up every 2-3 lines or roughly every 300 words of text.
–          Try to include an image for every 300 words of text.
–          Use sub headers to segment section and break up your article for easy reading or scanning
–          Create a compelling headline (ideal length: 55 characters)
–          Make use of bullets and lists where applicable
–          Link to other valuable resources in your article (webpages or your other blog posts) where relevant
–          Spell check!
3. Optimizing your content for research:
–          Aim of 1000-1500 words for a blog post – that is the Google ‘Sweet Spot’ for SEO based on research from serpIQ.
–          Place your SEO keyword into your blog title.
–          Include your SEO keyword in at least one H2 header.
–          Place your SEO keyword at the very beginning of your title and H2 header for optimal results.
4. Make it shareable:
–          Create a custom graphic that shows the title of your blog in an attractive way to increase shares on Pinterest and other networks.
–          Use click to tweet to include tweetable quotes and start throughout your blog
–          Create or update an infographic relevant to your chosen topic and include it in your post
–          Include slideshare presentations or a video
5. Promote your content:
–          Send an update to your email list with a link to your blog post.
–          Share your blog post on Facebook and make sure your image is optimized to look good in Facebook link preview for optimal click-through rates
–          Share on Twitter and include your custom title graphic
–          Share on Pinterest using the custom title graphic
–          Pin to relevant shared Pinterest boards to increase exposure
–          Share your blog post as a status update on LinkedIn on your personal profile and your LinkedIn company page
–          Share in relevant LinkedIn groups by creating a discussion around your topic and including the link as a reference
–          Share your post to Google+ to your personal profile and company profile
–          Find niche Facebook groups and Google+ communities to share your post by creating a discussion about it
–          Consider using Facebook ads or LinkedIn sponsored updates to run targeted ads to promote your content
–          Use a social sharing plugin like Digg or Flare that allows for easy social sharing directly from your blog.
–          Consider more niche places to post such as reddit but be aware of the etiquette of each site’s community before posting.

A Visual Content Marketing Campaign

A Visual Content Marketing Campaign

If you are struggling to get results from all your content marketing efforts or would like to generate a stream of targeted traffic that converts, then you should power up and take your content marketing campaign to the next level
Using Visuals:
Visual content marketing can be the rockstar in your overall digital marketing campaign and you can find out 12 reasons why you should with this next installment from digital marketing Philippines.
  1. Visual content helps grab targeted audience’ attention:
You wouldn’t believe just how much information there is right now.
–          1.5 billion individual units of content
–          2 million videos are uploaded each day
–          140 million tweets generated every single day
With such daily volume of information, business owners and digital marketers need to do everything they can grab their targeted audiences’ attention to their online content.
  1. Visual Content can be processed faster by the human brain:
The human brain can only process a very limited amount of information at any given time, and data that can be processed much faster than the rest will take precedence in grabbing a person’s attention.
–          Visuals and images make for better content compared to lines and blocks of text
–          According to one research, the brain processes visual information 60,000 times faster than the time it takes for the brain to decode text.
  1. Visual Content makes up 93% of all human communication
–          93% of all human communication are practically non-verbal
–          90% of information that enters the brain is practically non-verbal
–          70% of all sensory receptors humans have been all concentrated in a person’s eye
The brain will then process up to 50% of information received by these visual receptors.
Text and graphics if used alone may be imperfect forms of communication so combining visual elements with well-written text can be your ticket for capturing the imagination and attention of your targeted audiences.
  1. Visual content generates more views for your posts:
–          Generate up to 94% more views if you add compelling visual elements and graphics
–          14% more views can be generated by press releases if they contain photos when purchased
–          Views can jump up to 48% if they contain both photos and videos
  1. Visual content that goes viral can bring tons of inbound links:
–          Tools for visual content marketing like infographics, memes, posters, and the like can go viral if people will like the content well enough to share it within their own online communities and social networks.
–          However, should contain your logos, page or website information so recipients will know where the materials originally come from.
–          Visual content must be syndicated in a form that is clickable – which will bring tons of inbound links back to you.
–          High-quality and relevant inbound links can boost your rankings in search results so make sure the content is tagged with appropriate meta information and text descriptions.
–          Visual that go viral can boost your branding, giving you more probability of being contacted for business by up to 60% of targeted audiences
  1. Visual content helps you increase your subscriber and followers
–          Good and compelling visual content can generate more like, comments and shares than updates that contain only texts and words.
–          37% increase in engagements from targeted customers if the article is optimized by adding more compelling visual elements.
  1. Visual content is more understandable
–          By adding visual element that can explain what the page is trying to say, targeted audiences can better understand or appreciate your brand’s message.
–          With detailed images, get the attention of up to 67% of your targeted audiences.
–          With visual elements, your audiences are initiated to take action.
  1. Visual content can influence human emotions:
–          The result of the psychology of colors which describes how certain colors and color combination generate a particular type of emotion from a particular viewer.
–          It can also influence how a particular viewer will take action – such as influencing their purchasing decisions.
  1. Visual content solicits targeted users’ action much more effectively
–          40% of users online will provide better and more favorable responses to a particular visual content than other plain and text-based content.
10. Visual content in video form is more preferred
–          85% of internet users in the united states watch online videos
–          Average of 4 hours of mobile video from their devices
–          26% of these smartphone users watch online video at least once per day
–          25 million smartphone users around the world
11. Visual content generates more social engagement:
–          Use of visual content in Facebook campaigns, generates 65% more engagement just after a month practice
12. Visual Contents make targeted online visitors stay longer:
–          With good and compelling visual content, websites tend to stay longer, long enough for them to consume more and understand the message your content is trying to deliver.

500+ DoFollow Forums to Get High Quality Backlinks and Huge Traffic

500+ DoFollow Forums to Get High Quality Backlinks and Huge Traffic

You would probably know the value of getting dofollow backlinks. It would be more effective if all those back links are from a High PageRank Website.
Backlinks are also known as inbound links, incoming links, inlinks and inward links. Backlinks are incoming links to your website or web page from other websites. The number of quality backlinks is one indication of the popularity or importance of your website. So backlinks from high PageRank websites is essential to improve your site popularity. Google considers your website’s backlinking while ranking your blog post in Google Search. And if you rank high in Google Search then you will definitely get huge traffic. Today I am going to share 500+ of Dofollow Forums to Get High Quality Backlinks and Traffic.

Pagerank 6 Forums

Pagerank 5 Forums

Pagerank 4 Forums

Pagerank 3 Forums

Honestly it is impossible to be active everywhere but I will suggest to visit high PageRank forums and select 5-10 forums related to your niche and stay active there. Add values to the people post by answering questions. I suggest you to keep checking this forum for Dofollow attribute because sometime webmasters remove the Dofollow attribute because of spamming.
I hope you have enjoyed this post and I would like to thank you for reading this post. Now its your turn to share your views, suggestion or place any query, I will try my best to sort it out. Also don’t forget to share it. You may also like us on Facebook, Twitter and Google+.

24 SEO Tips and Tricks That Will Get You Top Ranked in 2014

24 SEO Tips and Tricks That Will Get You Top Ranked in 2014

Do you need Quick Results? You are in the Right Place

There are a lot of tips and guides, but this article actually provides quick results, but also do well in the long run.
The main idea of search engine optimization is relatively simple:Provide valuable information to the visitors and keep them happy.
If you know that trick to keep your visitors, there is virtually nothing can go wrong and you do not have to be afraid of penalties, panda, penguin and other updates of Google.

Beginners Guide to Keyword Planner

Optimize The Title Tag

The title tag is the blue link that is visible in search engine results when they search for a particular keyword. It simply means your post title.
The title tag can be optimized by placing the main keywords as much as possible. But do not overdo this or you can be accused of keyword stuffing. Find your primary keyword, write a meaningful title with this keyword and a one sentence description of your content.
You can learn How to use keywords here. Quick and Easy Guide with lots of free tools
Make sure your title tag no more than 60 characters and contains no repetition of keywords.
Use Google Ad Planner to find titles.

Optimize the description tag

The description tag is visible in the search results and to get visitors to your website. It is important that you have a compelling meta description used.
It should be clear to the visitor what your site is about and what can be expected. The main keywords can be included. The user should feel an urge to click your link by reading your description.

Use headings and sub-headings for layout

The use of headings and subheadings in the text on your web page is not only pleasant for visitors, but also for the search engine.
Visitors scan the text simple if you use headers like (H1, H2 and H3) and the search engine assumes that those which contain headlines and subheadings are important information on the subject.
The headings and subheadings should be provided with the heading tags, otherwise a search engine like Google will not recognize. The most common heading tags are:

Heading 1

Heading 2


Use the main keyword in the subheadings, because there is more value to be granted. In many open source CMS systems like WordPress, this feature is standard.
Besides the use of titles and headers, it is also wise to make use of bold textand other features that make the text more readable. A well-formatted text is very important. For both the visitors and the search engines

Search engine friendly urls

Applying search engine friendly urls increase the ease to find your blog for search engines.
What I do not mean with a search engine friendly URL.
What I mean by a search engine friendly URL.

Start a blog post with a picture

If you have a blog post begins with an image then it is likely that a user will read the content. Moreover, it is also positive in the field of SEO.

Enrich your content with various media

If you enrich the content of your website with various media as video, audio, pdf or infographics then it has a positive impact on both visitors and SEO.

The search engine will then get a better idea of the content and the media used to connect to the topic of your page.

In addition, you will benefit the advantage that visitors stay on your site longer. Do not post irrelevant media, though.

Keyword Density

It has become less important to stick to a strict keyword density, but it is still important. It is more and more about the content and the legibility than to focus on repetition of the keyword.
A text that is stuffed with keywords will be ignored by the search engine not rated or by the visitors.
For example, use synonyms of the keyword and place the these in strategic places in your text, such as the front of the article, in the middle and at the end.

Write content for your visitors

Write content primarily for visitors, because your audience is people, not search engine bots.

Interesting content is automatically rewarded with an external link is created by a visitor for example, or that the information is shared on social media.
That is also valued by Google. Place the most important keyword in the beginning of the text.

Internal linking and optimization

Internal links within your website is an ideal way to use the power and authority of your website to disseminate information about your web pages. You can optimize internal links through a good anchor text to select the important keyword and title to assign.

Use the internal links to get more value for the keyword you want to be found.
Another advantage of internal linking is that your website gets as coherence and visitors can immerse themselves in your website.

External links

External links are especially valuable for search engine optimization as there is good quality backlinks.That includes links to relevant websites, as well as links to websites that have a good reputation.
Also guest blogging can contribute to creating more external links.
Focus rather on creating good and valuable information , and you will find that backlinks come naturally.

Encourage social media

Social media is important to the search engine optimization and it is therefore important to be in active social networks .
You can encourage social media, by including buttons to target there. Example: “Like” Button, “Tweet” Button etc
The information can then be shared directly with your visitors on Facebook, Twitter and Google +. The links shared on social media have an impact on the ranking of your website or a particular web page. Be active on social media by regularly posting messages and responding.

Long tail keyword strategy

You can use the long tail strategy to get higher in the search engine.
This can not only score higher in the search engine, but also increases the chance of your site being visited. In addition, the visitor can find what he sought probably on your website
When content strategy is focused on longer keywords, your rank quickly rise on Google because there is less competition.
In addition, the conversion of such articles is often higher because it often involves specific questions or problems.

Create and optimize the main categories

It is important to use the main categories because the visible structure of your website should be simple for the search engine.
Obviously, making a distinction between categories is also user friendly for your visitors.The visitors can quickly find what they are looking for.
A main category can obviously have several subcategories, which should be also well optimized.

Update regularly

Regularly update your site with new content, media and news sites that attracts the attention of the search engines.
New articles on your website is likely to be indexed quickly because you have already got visitors often.
If you regularly update your website, it will be also interesting for your visitors to come back if they know that there are some regular news can be found on your website again.

Optimize Videos on Your Site

Since the search engine can not see the content of your video, it is important to optimize video file. You do that by adding metadata, such as to give a title., keyword and description.
Give the file a clear description of the contents of your video with you and place multiple videos on separate web pages.

Do not spam, keep it real!

Spamming will not help you in the long run to reach a high position in the search engine. Therefore, focus on paying particular attention to the occurrence of natural links through to social media, posting interesting content and write, active guest blogging.
Also avoid excessive keyword density, spam comments and bad links.

Google Plus (+1)

It is certainly advisable to use Google plus because Google has rivalry on Facebook.
Chances are that Google+ in the future will have more direct impact on the rankings of websites in Google.
That is quite plausible because Google plus is from Google search engine itself and sets its own product obviously paramount.
Moreover, it is a social network that offers multiple opportunities to come in direct contact with your customers.

Ask what they want to know

You can often ask questions to find out what the visitors need and you can do that in several ways.
A very simple example is to create a list using the Q & A either provide a list of frequently asked questions and answers.
There you come beforehand to meet the demand. Other possibilities are responding to posts or emails.

Use Sitemaps

Search engines often look for Sitemaps, which is a table of contents is used from the website. There are also Sitemaps which are visible and clickable for the visitor, but that is, in fact, regular Web pages in the form of an HTML sitemap.
An XML sitemap is designed specifically for the search engines, however, that the different pages can index in a simple way
Sitemaps improve the visibility of your website. You can sign in search engines via the sitemap.xml itself with a Google webmaster tool and a BING webmaster tool.

Sitemap Explained